Tuesday, 23 October 2018

A great big can of greenskin: the Forge World Ork mega dread

It's nearly the end of Orktober and I haven't yet posted a damn thing. That's partially down to the usual reason: I've been busy doing non-hobby stuff; but also because when I have had a free moment, instead of continuing with my Undead War Mammoths, I've used that time to bring some of my background projects a little further forward. It's arguable whether this is efficient time management, but I guess when inspiration strikes on a stalled project, you should make good use of it. Seize the moment. Never look that gift horse in the mouth*. Grab the ball by the horns and run with the bull. Or sumfin' like dat.

So, although a couple of old projects have progressed a notch or two, the upshot is that I have nothing new I'm willing to share right now. Thus I'm going to have to post another old model instead. 

But what a model! One of Forge World's finest. And only fitting that we take the Ork theme, and smash it face first into the walking heavy armour of that other famous hobby appropriation, Dreadtober.

I won't go on about it, except to say that the bike in among the junk on the base is an old model from Ramshackle Games; the target-headed skull logo painted on the shoulder guard is the unit badge of my Ork Dread Mob; and, if I remember correctly, the model itself was really tricky to build, but a joy to paint.

*Unless you are from Troy, of course.


  1. Beautiful, as always. I really love the free hand on the shoulder pad, but the weathering is top notch and protagonist! What do you think about the new orks cars that are appearing? You are one of the painters I'd like to see putting those models under the brushes-and green stuff etc.-.

    1. Hi Stats. Thanks for the lovely compliments. Yes I'm quite excited about those new Ork vehicles. If only I didn't have another 48 models to go before I'm allowed to buy anything new. The blue one pretty much looks great as it is, and the yellow and red ones (that come in the game), look like they'd be excellent base models for conversions. Personally I'd lift them higher off the ground, with more rugged wheels, and less of the Formula One and drag racing accoutrements. Try to bring back some of the rugged, dune buggy feel that would be more practical for Ork vehicles. I'd also probably swap out the crazy guns for linked big shootas or some similar brutal looking machin-gun spin-off. The squigg truck is great too, but I'd probably just pull out all the squiggs and stick in a bunch of nasty looking grenades and missiles instead.
