Sunday, 15 December 2019
Rest in peace with the rest of the pieces
Hot on the heels of the previous post, here are the very last miniatures for my current Undead collection. I can hardly believe I'm this close to finishing a whole project. It's such a rare occurrence for me. In fact I'm not sure any of my other collections have ever got this far.
Apart from the Vampire Lord and the skeleton cow, these final models are basically just made up of all the bits 'n' pieces I had left over from the earlier builds, simply glued together as best as I could.
The cow is an ancient model coming from what I believe may have been the very first Undead wagon (or war machine) of any sort to be released by Citadel Miniatures – the Plague Cart, from 1987. If it's not the first, then it's certainly one of the earliest. I've decorated the base a bit, and added a beaten up bell hanging from its neck, but otherwise it's pretty much as it was back at the end of the eighties.
Most of the other miniatures are from the Zombie Regiment (with a few Chaos Warrior parts thrown into the mix), but there's also a straggler from the original Skeleton Horde (with swapped weapon and shield), a Ghoul from Mantic (with new arms), and the remainders of three Ghouls from Rackham (all with head swaps, and the odd new limb).
My goal is to get them painted before the year is out, so the challenge is on. Watch this space.
Wednesday, 11 December 2019
Elephants and memories
Inside I'm smiling. In fact, outside I'm smiling too. Because I've finished the other skeleton war mammoth that I started way back here, about a year and a half ago. Even though I started it a long time ago, I couldn't just forget about it. I feel a commitment to all the projects I start, and the guilt of not completing them means I will keep revisiting them until they are done. Even if it takes years – which it often does. This is mainly down to my lack of hobby time and skittish tastes, but also because I tend to paint at a lumbering speed, probably not dissimilar to the one an undead elephant travels at. An undead elephant stripped of all muscle, and carrying a small house on its back.
This newly completed model only mildly affects my Addiction Challenge score, but every little helps.
My Undead project is nearing its conclusion now, with both mammoths finished, the cavalry from last week, and all the troops from last year. There's just a handful of stragglers left to build and paint (mainly to use up some of the left over bits 'n' pieces from the previous models). It's kind of exciting to see a project nearing the finish line, so hopefully this will keep my momentum going till I cross it.
But let's not celebrate too early.
Thursday, 5 December 2019
Rattling back into action
It's been a long time. A very long time. Nearly five months since this blog has been updated. Some may have thought Torva Tenebris abandoned. Terminated. Dead. Buried six feet below the ground, never to be seen again, but that's not the case. It simply had a bit of a break over the summer, and it's taken a while for me to get it up and running again.
But now that I've reanimated it – breathed new life into its old dead bones – I'd like to share a completed unit. It's the Undead horsemen that I put together about this time last year.
If you read the earlier posts about their construction (here, here and here), then you may be aware that most of these models are from the 1980s, but have all been chopped about a bit. In fact, some have undergone a considerable amount of jiggery-pokery to make their size more consistent with their companions. Hopefully the paint and 'dirt' hides most of the crimes I committed during that process.
And these six newly finished miniatures mean my Addiction Challenge score is finally taking a dent.
Hopefully there'll be some more dents soon.
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